
Store input and calculation results in snapshots.

Though the power system operates continuously, it is considered in discrete time in power flow calculation. That is, between two consecutive time indices, the system state is assumed to remain steady, so small variations are ignored. Usually, the duration between indices is long compared to the frequency of alternating current (50 Hz in Europe and 60 Hz in the US).

The result for voltages in the previous snapshot can be used as the initial guess in power flow calculation.

class mgrid.power_flow.snapshot.Snapshot(increments, previous, voltages=None, flows=None)[source]

Bases: object

Store input in incremental format and results in dataframes.

property base

Get the base grid model and snapshot.



Return type


flows: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None

power flow along edges in kW

increments: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float]

incremental values of conversion elements with respect to the previous snapshot

previous: Union[mgrid.grid.geographic.GeoGrid, mgrid.power_flow.snapshot.Snapshot, mgrid.grid.supra.SupraGrid]

previous snapshot


Get results from a pandapower model.


net – a grid modelled using pandapower.


Get results from a pypsa model.


net – a grid modelled using pypsa.


Update items with respect to given previous snapshost.


previous (Snapshot) – another snapshot used as previous reference.

voltages: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None

votlage at buses in kVA

Snapshot Series

Class for building a series of snapshots.

A GeoGrid or SupraGrid object will serve as the default snapshot. Increments at some snapshot will be stored in Snapshot object.

The input and result of power flow calculation are stored in the same instance. There are two kinds of results, voltages and flows.

class mgrid.power_flow.series.SnapshotSeries(iterable=(), /)[source]

Bases: list

add_series(attribute, values)[source]