In June, 2020, I worked as teaching assistant (TA) for stochastic simulation at Technical University of Denmark. The course consists of 6 lecture days (3 hours lecture and 4 hours exercise per day) and a group project. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, everything has to be done online, which made it harder for everyone.

Group Forming

There are three TAs in total, and we relied on a online registration platform to collect information on students’ questions and requests for help. The platform is made out of Google Forms and Google Sheets. Any student can fill a form, and it will appear immediately in a online sheet, which can be seen by TAs and the teacher. The platform helped a lot indeed, but we ignored the most important problem, forming groups.

In Denmark, most of the courses require students to form groups and write reports together. I always think the real reason is to reduce the number of reports that teachers must evaluate. There are 174 students registered this course, and a project report usually takes 40 minutes for one TA to read and write feedback. So to form groups is mandatory. Nevertheless, it is really challenging for students, international students especially, to find a group when the course is happening online. The teacher spent the whole first day helping students who don’t know others find a teammate. There should be some online platform to let students exhibiting their abilities and preferences and match them instead of doing manually. In my experience, to have reliable teammates is critical in obtaining a a high grad and even finish the course. The teacher told us that he would like students from the same major to form a group, because he believe that everyone relies on alumni in the same sector. I agree to some extent, and hope that they use the same programming language.


The most important thing I learnt during the preparation is to test the implementation. I realised the power of validation when taking the econometrics course (regression analysis and time series analysis) in Spring 2020, and . In particular, I reproduced all the examples in hendry2007econometric, so that my code for the final assignment have been validated. In a similar manner, I did all the exercises from the course again using Python (MATLAB in 2019), wrote tests using unittest Package. Last year, most of the validation is done through asking TAs, but I managed to find test cases from ross2017introductory and ross2012simulation this time. This approach has boosted my confidence in my results, and I have kept writing tests for all my repositories since then.

Another reason behind tests is that a large part of this simulation course is about validation. A real-world simulation program consists of multiple probability models that must be validated against data. There are two aspects, in my mind. First, the code must behave as expected and be robust enough. Mathematical simulation is code-intensive, but I found most of the students didn’t have enough experience with coding. The coding skill, I believe, is as important as writings, and others can hardly help if someone is unable to maintain about 1000 lines of code in a course like this.

The second step is to do statistical inference, which is even harder for those without such background knowledge. Last year, I had no idea as well, but tried my best to gain help from TAs. During the preparation, I realised that this was my first course that relies on scientific procedure, namely, hypotheses, experiment, and inference, even though with a background in thermal physics. My understanding was deepened when I answered questions, and it is discussed in the following two sections.

Key Points and Hints

Another key ability for this course besides the implementation, I think, is to read books. As far as I can remember, last year, my reading kept up with lectures. That is, I was able to go through corresponding sections in the textbook, which was not easy. Three-hours lectures were given everyday consecutively, so I had to read for many hours every night. Nevertheless, in my view, to have lots of patience with books can save the time.

This year, I found most students unable to grasp even the basic points. Most likely, they never read the recommended book, ross2012simulation. I do not think anyone can remember all the points mentioned by the teacher in the lecture. Even if there is a recording, it is hard to review the detail. In contrast, to highlight key points when reading is very easy and helps a lot in recap. I always remember the following advice of a physics teacher in my high school:

A lecture is the time when you think critically about the points emphasised by someone else, not when you learn something new.

Furthermore, it is impossible, I think, for someone to give step-by-step instructions for the implementation in terms of coding. There are many small-scale, specific issues that must be handled by the students in this course, and there are usually multiple ways to do a coding task. For example, to build a 2-D array for irregular sample space is a technique I thought of last year. Actually, to write code only takes a small portion of the project time, while how to write takes a lot of thinking. I tried my best to give hints, which had not been emphasised in the book, and most students were happy to take their time and think about my hints. To do something new by solving such manageable puzzles requires a deeper understanding of the task, which also gives students motivation for reading. On the other hand, the problem is not too open, and the students can always consult a well-written textbook or the teaching team.

Such idea played an important role, when I was designing a final project for the course, which is discussed in the following section.

100% Solar Energy Project

Each group had to choose one of the available projects as the final assignment. A real-world simulation project usually comes with context, and no available project was designed in the context of energy industry. I really like the “bottom-up” approach to simulate electricity consumption profiles [widén2010high]. The teacher agreed to let me design a new project based on that. One weekend is all the time I got to pull it off, but I decided to give it a try. My best friend in Denmark invited me for hot pot that weekend, because he was leaving Denmark for a PhD in Netherlands, but I have to say no. That is the first and probably the only project I design.

In the very beginning, I chose to publish the instruction on RPubs, which could be easily modified. In the mean time, to remind students of new contents, the “latest updates” section was put at the top of that webpage. I kept updating the whole webpage and received lots of valuable feedback.

To help them focus on the simulation part, I searched many websites, identified a reliable dataset, and transformed it into two compact CSV files. Actually, I am convinced that the transformation is the hardest part. After the deadline, I graded their reports, and was satisfied with their writing.


  • Hendry, D. F., & Nielsen, B. (2007). Econometric modeling: a likelihood approach. Princeton University Press.
  • Ross, S. M. (2017). Introductory statistics. Academic Press.
  • Ross, S. M. (2013) Simulation, 5th edition. Academic Press.
  • The syllabus at that time.
  • Widén, J., & Wäckelgård, E. (2010). A high-resolution stochastic model of domestic activity patterns and electricity demand. Applied energy, 87(6), 1880-1892.