After my 5-month part-time job at Utiligize, I begin to understand the problems in incumbent open-sourced tools for power system analysis.

Take pandapower for example, an empty network object is essentially an empty relational database with a pre-defined schema. There are three major flaws in terms of relational model for power grids, which are discussed in detail. The last two sections mention document-based databases and snapshots briefly.

I am assuming we are on the same page in terms of:

For those behind, the links mentioned above are good starting points. The last page should be:

  • Why I dislike incumbent open-sourced tools for power system analysis.
  • Why relational model should not be used to model power grids.

Many-to-Many Relation

The only normalised column in the schema of pandapower is for buses. Usually, all the tables, except that for buses used the key for buses as the only foreign key. In particular, tables for delivery elements like cables and transformers have two columns for buses, because they have two and only two terminals. Actually, such relation is many-to-many, but there is no intermediary table to model it. As discussed above, the purpose is to reduce the number of tables. However, it becomes very hard to query associated elements given a bus.

In-Memory Operations

Lots of graph-related operations are required. For example, the return of the corresponding subgraph for a particular voltage level is very important. It can be done using in pandapower, but an networkx object must be built first. Such idea is actually required before building a pandapower object, which is discussed in the following subsection. In contrast, it’s easier (and maybe more efficient) to do that with a graph database like Neo4j.

Also, to store some query results is a good idea, so that to execute the query multiple times is avoided. However, there are some pitfalls, if, for example, they are dumped in CSV files:

  • It takes too much space.
  • Hard to keep track of such files, especially when multiple files result from one query.
  • New queries to read such files are required.
  • Hard to update the result if the original grid is modified.

Another motivation is that to read the whole grid and plot (even part of) it in a map using packages like matplotlib requires too much computing resource. Furthermore, as far as I know, there is no package in Python that can handle the interactive view of a large grid in a map. To inspect the grid interactively helps a lot in debugging and preparing queries.

Different Schemas

The biggest challenge we face at Utiligize was that the schema used in our clients’ database was different from that in pandapower and other tools. In particular, transformers should be associated with two buses, but were represented as a point from the geographical perspective. We stored tables from our clients in one database. My colleagues maintained two sets of tables for two schemas manually. There is no built-in tools in incumbent packages, so they had to write their own queries. From time to time, some clients modified their data by sending new excel files. Then, my colleagues updated the tables involved. Though it seems that the transformation (by modifying strings) to the schema of pandapower is not hard, I found a major bug around October, 2020. It’s hard to take all kinds of situations into consideration in string modification.

Since then, I had never been sure about that transformation, so I wrote edxu96/mgrid (v0.2.0), which builds a networkx direct graph and then do an operation call vertex splitting. There is only one situation (to categorise associated edges into two layers), so some unit tests are enough. Furthermore, a concept called multilayer network can be used to handle such issues in general. [bianconi2018multilayer] It’s discussed in another post, Power Grid as Multilayer Network, in detail. Though the process was slowed down a bit, I didn’t have to worry about updating tables in the second schema.

Object-Relational Mismatch

Another big problem is inherent in pandapower, PyPSA, and matpower, etc. All of them are initially designed for power flow calculation (PF) and optimal power flow optimisation (OPF) of transmission grids. As mentioned before, how parameters are stored is similar to a relational database. However, there are two reasons why this way is problematic.

Firstly, the sets of parameters used in PF, in OPF and for different devices are quite different. Such issue is resolved in two ways for the time being, as far as I know. Firstly, there are tables corresponding to different types of electrical devices. Most of the tables are not involved because, in reality, nodal injections are usually given in PF, so the most important tables are for buses, cables, transformers, loads, and generators. Then, the second way is to generalise such tables, because it is more confusing to have a table for loads in PF, one for loads in unbalanced PF, one for loads in OPF, etc. However, such generalisation results in lots of NaN values, because only a small portion of columns are involved in PF.

Furthermore, pre-defined functions (imagine SQL queries) to insert and modify records are very confusing because of too many optional arguments. Even worse, there is only one method add in Network class in PyPSA. The user has to memorise combinations of keyword arguments themselves.

The second reason is resulted from the fact that models for transmission grids are different from those for distribution grids (for example, 400 V). With further penetration of electric vehicles and solar panels, constraints on voltages and loadings of low-voltage distribution grids are more likely to be violated. The features for distribution grids have been gradually introduced. However, the set of parameters required for the same type of electric devices can be quite different from that in transmission grids. For example, to support unbalanced PF in pandapower, two tables, res_line and res_line_3ph, are required for storing results. When PF and unbalanced PF are required for two parts in the same grid, two pandapower objects are required. There is no tool capable of handling balanced and unbalanced grids at the same time.

I believe, this shortcoming is largely resulted from the object-relational mismatch in relational database and object-oriented programming (OOP), which is discussed in the second chapter of [kleppmann2017designing]. Additionally, it is impossible to store a network model in one (CSV) file. This shortcoming seems to be the main motivation behind document model for power system models, and it is discussed in the following section.

Document-Based Database

Actually, OOP can help a lot when modelling power grids, and document model has been proposed. For example, see PowerModels.jl and PowerSystems.jl. It is very easy to dump a model in one JSON file. However, one the hardest part, to transform data in another database schema, is never mentioned, and there is no function to insert element.

Furthermore, the many-to-many relationship and graph-related operations are still not fully supported. The whole grid has to be read in memory first. These are among the inherent disadvantages of document-based databases.


Though it is easy to store time series in relational model, PF for multiple snapshots is very problematic in tools discussed above. For example, in pandapower, which time series to be stored must be specified and results can only be stored in CSV files.

The concept of snapshot is vital in PF and OPF. To use voltage results from the consecutive snapshot can largely reduce the number of iterations. For example, voltage magnitude results can be passed as init_vm_pu argument in pandapower. However, at least in pandapower, values are updated in different snapshot, based on specified data and “controller”, which I think is really confusing and hard to be used.


There are issues in different levels when storing power grid models in relational databases. The most obvious one is that the many-to-many relationship between buses and electric devices is usually missing. Then lots of operations, like to select part of the grid, must be done by reading the grid in memory first and relying on other graph theoretic packages, which is very inefficient and fallible. The biggest issue is probably to transform the raw data in a different schema in the first place. Moreover, raw datasets are usually updated from time to time.

The inherent issue is the mismatch between object-oriented programming and relational databases. A compromise used to be worked out, but there are more and more classes for electric devices involved. This issue must be dealt with by introducing document models. However, document databases are still unable to cope with the first three issues for the moment.


  • Bianconi, G. (2018). Multilayer networks: structure and function. Oxford university press.
  • Kleppmann, M. (2017). Designing data-intensive applications: The big ideas behind reliable, scalable, and maintainable systems. " O’Reilly Media, Inc.".
  • Bondy, J. A., & Murty, U. S. R. (2008). Graph Theory. Springer.

  • On Mar 14, 2021, prerequisites and expectations were added in the beginning.
  • On April 16, 2021, the sequence of sentences in the Different Schemas section was updated.
  • On April 18, 2021, a new section, Conclusion, was added, and the sequence of other sections was modified.
  • On April 19, 2021, the section In-Memory Operations was finished for the first time.