A data structure to store, modify, query temporal evolutions and subgraphs of some graph is proposed in this post, in order to handle issues discussed in the previous post, relational database not for power grids. There are more benefits.

The core ingredient, snapshot, is discussed in detail first, and how multiple snapshots for one graph are store is introduced in two sections, increment and meta-graph. The modification of the graph can be based on transactions, which is discussed in section transaction. A better place to store such data values is a database, and how a relational database design might look like is discussed. Lastly, a new concept, secondary snapshot, is brought up to generalise the idea for attributes of edges and nodes.

I am assuming we are on the same page in terms of:

For those behind, the links mentioned above are good starting points. The last page should be:

  • How to store changes of a simple graph in an incremental manner.
  • How the snapshot concept contributes to storage, version control, query, etc of graphs.

Note that all the graphs discussed here are simple graphs without any node or edge attribute. Furthermore, the node is not the primary concern.


At Utiligize, we stored the topology of power grids in a relational database. I found some queries were very popular:

  • Query the whole graph.
  • Query the whole graph and calculate a subgraph.
  • Query the whole graph and modify it.
  • Modify the graph.

Most representations assume that there is no further update. For example, in pandapower, values can only be found via indices and updated accordingly. A data structure is discussed here, so the modification is a first class passenger as well. Besides, to represent the temporal evolution of some graph as a series of snapshots [section 4.1.2 in masuda2021guide] is one of the many applications of the snapshot concept. There are at least two other applications:

  • A snapshot can store a subgraph from some query.
  • A set of snapshots can represents some neighbours of the graph in terms of topology.

That is, the snapshot concept can not only be used in version control, but also served as the core in storing, modification, and query. The program should revolve around a set of associated snapshots.


To store snapshots as individual graphs requires lots of memory space. For example, to treat snapshots as different layers and connect related layers with bipartites. [section 5.2 in bianconi2018multilayer]. Instead, given a graph and its differences between another unknown graph, the unknown can be computed accordingly, so the space required can be largely reduced, especially when such two graphs are similar. Those differences can be wrapped in one concept, increment. A way to store and utilise increments for snapshots of graphs is discussed here.


As discussed before, the graph can always be seen as a set of two-entry tuples (edge-list), when no isolated node is present. Then, any modification to a graph can be seen as some state change(s) of some edge(s), and it can also be represented by a two-entry tuple, indicating which edge is modified. In particular, the only two fundamental modification is to add an edge or to delete an edge. Such modification can be seen as an event. Thus, a graph, a snapshot or an increment can be seen as a set of events.

The concept of event can be interpreted as follows. It is assumed that there are two possible states, on and off, for any edge. The default state is off. An event associated with snapshot s in terms of edge (u, v) can be represented by a three-entry tuple, (u, v, s). Note that the definition here is different from that in masuda2021guide.

Which snapshot the increment is based on must be specified, though the relationship can be modified later. This relationship will be called link here. For example, if there are three graphs represented by a, b and c, a can be derived from its increment linked to b or its increment linked to c. The derivation must be based on the linked graph, of course, as discussed before.

Multiple links are allowed, because the size of some increment might be reduced further. To follow the previous example, a can be linked to b and c, and the size of the corresponding increment might be reduced further.

Symmetric Difference

The only mathematical operation required for calculating increments and recovering snapshots is symmetric difference. From wikipedia2021symmetric:

In mathematics, the symmetric difference of two sets, also known as the disjunctive union, is the set of elements which are in either of the sets, but not in their intersection.

For example:

{a, b} △ {b, c} = {a, c}
{a, b} △ {b, c} △ {c, d} = {a, d}

The second example indicates that the operation can be generalised to successive symmetric differences of a series of sets. The sequence of such sets does not matter. This generalised version can be applied when such sets are found via a concept brought up in the section.


Several snapshots and corresponding links compose a directed graph when snapshots and links are considered as nodes and edges respectively. That graph will be called meta-graph. The directions of links do not matter, as long as they are consistent. For example, to direct out of the snapshot. Then, according to the definition above, meta-graph is a directed acyclic graph (a directed graph without directed cycle).

The definition of directed cycle follows that in sedgewick2020algorithms:

A directed path in a digraph is a sequence of vertices in which there is a (directed) edge pointing from each vertex in the sequence to its successor in the sequence, with no repeated edges. A directed cycle is a directed path (with at least one edge) whose first and last vertices are the same.

Such concept is similar to that in version control [wikipedia2021version] when commits and merges are considered as nodes.

Recover Snapshot

The increments of all the parents of a given snapshot compose those sets for symmetric difference.

Power Flow Timeline

A power flow timeline is an undirected path of the meta-graph and a starting snapshot, which must be one of the two terminals of the path. The power flow calculation starts with the starting snapshot and use the voltage result of the precedent snapshot as the initial guess, which can speed up the calculation to a large extent.

Dedicated statements can be designed to build a timeline in a higher abstraction level.

Automated Debug in PF

The algorithms for power flow are very sensitive to errors in the grid model. The software can provide some procedure modifying the timeline automatically, in order to debug such errors.


Being immutable is a main feature of snapshots. A mechanism should be designed to allow modifications before the snapshot becomes immutable. The idea of transaction comes from relational database. The beginning of a transaction is to provide a graph object that the user can work on.

Though this mechanism based on transactions is similar to that in most relational databases, the terminologies do not correspond.

Pending Snapshot

All the events in the increment for the pending snapshot can be previewed. Note that any modification is made to a snapshot, but the snapshot is stored in the form of increment.

It’s possible to have multiple pending snapshots. Then any user or several users can work on multiple pending snapshots at the same time. When it comes to storage, pending snapshots are written in the database as well, but still mutable.

Multiple (committed) snapshots can be specified when a pending snapshot is initiated. However, the initiated snapshot is calculated via successive symmetric differences of associated increments.

While other pending snapshots are invisible, committed snapshots resulted from other transactions are visible immediately in the current transaction. This setting is adopted in most relational database systems like PostgreSQL [postgresql2021transactions] (Note that terminologies are different, while the idea is shared, as discussed before).


The link can only be associated with committed snapshots. The link(s) can be modified later, in order to, for example, reduce the size of the increment. Whenever a snapshot is to be deleted, no other snapshot should be based on it.


There are many algorithms designed for graphs. For example, a pending snapshot can be converted to an networkx object and modified via algorithms in networkx. That is, it is more convenient not to write snapshot using traditional SQL queries. After some modifications, the pending snapshot can be replaced entirely by the networks object.

The prototypical workflow of an transaction can be summarised as follows:

  1. Obtain an networkx object representing a pending snapshot by specifying linked snapshots.
  2. Modify the pending snapshot using functions in networkx.
  3. Replace the pending snapshot in the database with the modified one.
  4. Commit the snapshot.

Also, because multiple pending snapshots are allowed. The steps 1-3 can be done simultaneously for different pending snapshots, and one user can work on different pending snapshots simultaneously. Furthermore, as discussed in subsection link, links can be modified later as long as they point to committed snapshots.

Secondary Snapshot

Second snapshots is a concept to store evolutions of attributes of edges and nodes, and its topology remains unchanged. It is recommended that attributes associated with some edge are stored in one object. For node attributes, they can be stored in objects attached to the node. The advantages have been discussed in another post, relational database not for power girds. Detailed discussion about objects when modelling power grids can be found in post, power grid as multilayer network.

The concept of power flow timelines can be generalised for secondary snapshots.
